
비슷한 제목

Economic Analyst, Economic Consultant, Economic Development Specialist, Economist, Forensic Economist, Project Economist, Research Analyst, Research Associate, Revenue Research Analyst, Tax Economist

작업 설명

Conduct research, prepare reports, or formulate plans to address economic problems related to the production and distribution of goods and services or monetary and fiscal policy. May collect and process economic and statistical data using sampling techniques and econometric methods.

직무 책임
  • Study economic and statistical data in area of specialization, such as finance, labor, or agriculture.
  • Conduct research on economic issues, and disseminate research findings through technical reports or scientific articles in journals.
  • Compile, analyze, and report data to explain economic phenomena and forecast market trends, applying mathematical models and statistical techniques.
  • Supervise research projects and students' study projects.
  • Teach theories, principles, and methods of economics.
직업에 필요한 기술
  • 비판적 사고 - 논리와 추론을 사용하여 문제에 대한 대안적 해결책, 결론 또는 접근 방식의 강점과 약점을 파악합니다.
  • Mathematics — Using mathematics to solve problems.
  • 독해력 - 업무 관련 문서의 문장 및 단락을 이해합니다.
  • 적극적인 경청 - 다른 사람의 말에 충분히 주의를 기울이고, 요점을 이해하기 위해 시간을 갖고, 적절하게 질문하고, 부적절한 시기에 끼어들지 않습니다.
  • Judgment and Decision Making — Considering the relative costs and benefits of potential actions to choose the most appropriate one.

뉴스 피드

온라인 과정 및 도구